My opinion

By Dr. Deepak Gupta
Corresponding Author Dr. Deepak Gupta
Wayne State University, - United States of America 48201
Submitting Author Dr. Deepak Gupta

Criminality, Morality, Sexuality, Diversity, Animality, Humanity

Gupta D. The Core Question Named "Whydunit". WebmedCentral PSYCHOLOGY 2018;9(9):WMC005507

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Submitted on: 24 Aug 2018 12:08:51 AM GMT
Published on: 07 Sep 2018 08:44:29 AM GMT

My opinion

I am addicted to reading because I am addicted to exploring. Recently I read three books, not in a particular sequence, which aligned my line of thought to a tee. The first book was The Alienist by Caleb Carr [1], read after religiously watching television series, The Alienist on TNT [2], a cable television network. The book explores the evolution of crime investigation from whodunit into whydunit at pre-dawn of the 20th century. The essential gist of the book was that we are born out of our experiences during childhood; however, it forgets to dig further into the experiences which shaped our parents into shaping our childhood. In that regards, everything can boil down to our ancestry's whydunit. Herein comes the implication for reading the second book The Moral Lives of Animals by Dale Peterson [3]. The quest for humans' whydunits may be satiated by simply observing, analyzing and understanding why the animals do what they do. This exploration has been amply aided by non-intrusive real-time observation of animals living in the wild. Hereafter, I lapped up to the book That's What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) About Working Together by Joanne Lipman [4]. The world has been listening to That's What He Said since eternity and it has been well into the 21st century before it is exploring That's What She Said.


The basic questions which rattled me during this addictive exploration of whydunit are: Should everything in a person boil down to mommy-daddy issues? Shouldn't mommy's and daddy's mommy-daddy issues be also accounted for so on and so forth? Should animal instincts be abhorred because humans feel superior to animals? Shouldn't animal instincts provide insight into our uncharted minds to provide better understanding of humans' whydunits? Should it always have to be us versus them when they are as good a part of us as we are of them? Aren't we all fortunate to be born into an extended ethnicity/gender/sexuality diversity spectrum [5-7], although the unclear minority/majority living at extremes is yet to realize and understand the unexposed majority/minority living around dead center? Aren't we essentially overlooking societies' whydunits during our restrictive inquisition of individuals' whydunits? Who can question the time that keeps refining or even redefining societies' whydunits so as to override individuals' whydunits while individuals remain bound to their current actions despite being oblivious to their own limited understanding of whydunit? 


Summarily, the core question named "whydunit" may never get answered completely. However, disowning the past may not be the path to success because our past shaped our present just like our present is shaping our future. Who knows if time being beyond our control represents the helplessness in creation of everything out of divine perfect vacuum's nothingness with divine's whydunit remaining unanswered for eternity despite our oblivious attempt to procreate the creator of everything [8]?     


  1. Caleb Carr. The Alienist: Paperback. 2006 October 24. Available at: b-Carr/dp/0812976142
  2. TNT. The Alienist. 2018 January 22. Available at:
  3. Dale Peterson. The Moral Lives of Animals: Reprint Edition. 2012 June 19. Available at: /Moral-Lives-Animals-Dale-Peterson/dp/1608193462
  4. Joanne Lipman. That's What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) About Working Together: Hardcover. 2018 January 30. Available at: s-What-She-Said-Together/dp/0062437216
  5. Ancestry. Ancestry Human Diversity Project. 2017 December 14. Available at: dna-redirect/informedconsent-v3-en#1
  6. Gender Diversity. Education and Support Services. 2017. Available at:
  7. Rediff. Humans are mostly bisexual, says new study. 2018 March 16. Available at: study/20180316.htm
  8. YouTube: TED-Ed. Is it possible to create a perfect vacuum? - Rolf Landua and Anais Rassat. 2017 September 12. Available at:

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